Dame de Pic/Cie Karine Ponties
Le Conte des contes (The Tale of Tales) is a Russian animated film produced in 1979 by Youri Norstein. Inspired by a traditional lullaby, the film was constructed as memory itself, as the structural texture of our conscience.
In turn, nourished by the images, which touched her and which she claims to have "tripped over" ten years ago, Karine Ponties envisions laying the chaos and diversity bare in Lichens by combining incongruous clips and letting the magic slip away in the details. In animated film, as in the choreographer's research, poetic emotion comes out of oppositions between the realities sparked by the editing or transformations.
This piece for six dancers presents itself as a mirror of humans in the 21st century; distracted, captive to the vast machinery of overabundant images and words. Humans who no longer have the space or time to produce their own imagination by themselves.
What if the poetic act was an act of resistance against the oppression of preconceived representations?
Choreography : Karine Ponties // Performance :Ares D’Angelo, Eric Domeneghetty, Vera Gorbacheva, Liesbeth Kiebooms, Nilda Martinez, Jaro Vinarsky // Technical direction, light designer, dramaturgy : Guillaume Toussaint Fromentin // Artistic advices, stage direction :Quentin Simon // Music composition : David Monceau // Costumes : Gaëlle Marras // Pictures :Gregori Maiofis - Adversity Makes Strange Bedfellows, Andrea Messana
Production : Dame de Pic / Cie Karine Ponties // Co-production :Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Les Brigittines, Théâtre Victor Hugo de Bagneux, Charleroi Danse, La Coop asbl, Shelter Prod
With the support of :Théâtre des Doms, Scènes&Cinés, Cango, Département du Val-de-Marne, taxshelter.be, ING, tax-shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge Dame de Pic/Cie Karine Ponties est conventionnée avec :le Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et reçoit le soutien de Wallonie Bruxelles International. La compagnie est en résidence administrative au Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles