
Stéphanie Auberville

Salutations Mistinguettes

Following research on the Bolero, Salutations Mistinguettes focuses on the versions produced by Ida Rubinstein and Maurice Béjart. A symbol of playing with seduction and eroticism, for the choreographer the Bolero is a magnificent laboratory for questioning representations of genres of yesterday and today. Half way between a solo and a danced lecture, the piece articulates visions and analyses in a joyful role-play.

In the context of Festival Legs @ Charleroi Danse

Choreography, performance, text : Stéphanie Auberville // Dramaturgy, advice : Myriam Van Imschoot, Serpentwithfeet // Music : Maurice Ravel, Nick Cave //Costumes, decor : Léa Kieffe // Light : Maria Dermitzaki // Photo credits: Myriam Martinez

Co-production : Charleroi Danse // With the support of : LookIN OUT // Residencies : CCN de Roubaix, Mas Razal, Association Traon Nevez // Thanks to : Myriam Martinez, Justine Wojtyniak, Elen Jézéquel, Cécile Grignard, Ariane Masure, Stéphanie Gonçalves & Artist Commons—