
Luiz de Abreu

O Samba do Crioulo Doido // Panorama Festival

Luiz de Abreu uses dance as a way of deconstructing racialised identities. Playing with stereotypes linked to the performance of the black body, notably in the context of the carnival, the piece mocks racist clichés and offers a humorous criticism of relationships of domination. Revived by Calixto Neto, this “crazy samba” liberates and emancipates the body and the individual.

With the extremely unfavourable political context in which Brazil currently finds itself, Charleroi danse is joining the initiative of the CND Centre National de la Danse and offering support to Brazil’s Panorama festival. With the touring and hosting of O Samba do Crioulo Doido and Calixto Neto, the festival is being given carte blanche to present the work and engagement of Brazilian artists today and enable them to be heard.

Programmed by festival Panorama, in association with CND Centre national de la danse, in the contexte of Festival LEGS at Charleroi Danse

Conception, direction, choreographe, scenography, costumes, production : Luiz de Abreu // Performance : Calixto Neto // Light creation : Luiz de Abreu, Alessandra Domingues // Sound: Luiz de Abreu, Teo Ponciano
Rehearsal assistant, set up : Paulo Fonseca // Production assistant : Michael Summers // Photo credits: Gil Grossi

Associate Production : CND Centre national de la danse // Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Le manège scène nationale – Reims, Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans, Teatro Municipal do Porto